Opleidingen in de groep Recht.
- A
- Aansprakelijkheid en verzekering
- Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge M ...
- Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge M ...
- Advanced Master International and European Economic Law
- Advanced Master Program Tax Governance
- Advanced Master Programme Tax Governance
- Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law
- Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law
- Advanced Studies in European Business Law
- Advanced Studies in International Tax Law
- Advanced Studies in Public International Law
- Arbeidsrecht
- B
- Bedrijfsrecht
- Belastingadviseur
- C
- Civielrechtelijke opleiding
- Commercial Law
- Conflict and Security Law
- Constitutional Principles of International and European Law
- Criminal Investigation
- Criminal Law and Criminology
- E
- EU Law in a Global Context
- European Law
- European Law School
- European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation
- European Master in Law and Economics
- European Private Law
- Executive Master of Tactical Policing
- F
- Financieel Recht
- Fiscaal Recht
- Fiscaal-juridische opleiding
- Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging
- Functionaliteit van het Recht (research)
- G
- Globalisation and Law
- Grondslagen en Methoden van de Rechtswetenschap (research)
- H
- Hanse Law School
- I
- Informatierecht
- Information Law (research)
- Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management LL.M.
- Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management M.Sc.
- Internat and Comparative Private Law
- Internationaal en Europees Recht
- Internationaal recht
- Internationaal-juridische opleiding
- International and European Law
- International and European Law (Socrates)
- International and European Public Law
- International and European Tax Law
- International Business Law
- International Business Law and Globalisation
- International Crimes and Criminology
- International Criminal Law
- International Economic and Business Law
- International European Business Law
- International Human Rights and Criminal Justice
- International Law and the Law of International Organisations
- International Law and the Law of International Organizations
- International Law of Human Rights and Criminal Justice
- International Laws
- Ius Commune and Human Rights Research (research)
- J
- Juridisch politiek-wetenschappelijke opleiding
- Juridische Bestuurswetenschappen
- Juridische-economische Studies
- Justice and Safety & Security (research)
- L
- Law and Economics
- Law and Language Studies
- Law and Politics of International Security
- Law and Technology
- Law in Europe
- Legal Research (research)
- LL.M. Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
- M
- Magister Iuris Communis
- Master of Laws in European and International Taxation
- Milieurecht
- N
- Nederlands Recht
- Nederlands recht, internationale/europeesrechtelijke opleidi ...
- Nederlands Strafrecht in Europa
- Notarieel Recht
- Notariele opleiding
- O
- Omgevingsrecht
- Onderneming en Recht (research)
- Ondernemingsrecht
- P
- Policing
- Privaatrecht
- Public International Law
- Public International Law (research)
- Publiekrecht
- R
- Recht en Arbeid
- Recht en Bestuur
- Recht en ICT
- Recht en Management
- Recht en Onderneming
- Recht van de Gezondheidszorg
- Recht, Arbeid en Gezondheid
- Recht, Bestuur en Management
- Rechten
- Rechten (research)
- Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Rechtswetenschap en Onderzoek
- Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek (research)
- S
- Sociaal Recht en Sociale Politiek
- Staats- en bestuursrechtelijke opleiding
- Strafrechtelijke opleiding
- T
- Togamaster