Elements of airplane performance

Auteur Ger J.J. Ruijgrok
Elements of airplane performance

Tweedehands 22,-

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Iorcan Jagt

Geplaatst op 10 Mei 2024
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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789065622037
  • ISBN 10 9065622039
  • Druk 2
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Elements of airplane performance, 2nd edition This book contains sixteen chapters and four appendices which form a compre-hensive teaching text on the subject of airplane performance. The fi rst seven chapters are designed to provide necessary background material in mechanics, aerodynamics, atmospheric science, air data instruments, and propulsion. In addi-tion, the appendices furnish basic data and information on the theory pertinent to a clear understanding of the different problems. Chapters 8-13, in particular, treat the point performance of the airplane, i.e., the performance that pertain to given point on the fl ight path. Finally, chapters 14-16 deal with what is known as the integral performance, indicating the performance items which are related to the course of the fl ight. The text ... is extensively illustrated and includes numerous worked examples. The book is primarily intended to serve as a textbook in undergraduate engineering courses and as an instrument for selfstudy. Contents Preface ¿ 1. Basic concepts ¿ 2. The atmosphere ¿ 3. Equations of motion ¿ 4. Aerodynamic basis ¿ 5. Air data instruments ¿ 6. Propulsion ¿ 7. Propeller perform-ance ¿ 8. The airplane in symmetric fl ight ¿ 9. Performance in steady symmetric fl ight ¿ 10. Effect of altitude ¿ 11. Flight and airplane condition effects ¿ 12. Turning performance ¿ 13. Gliding fl ight ¿ 14. Symmetric climb and descent ¿ 15. Cruise performance ¿ 16. Airfi eld performance ¿ References ¿ Appendix A. Newtonian mechanics ¿ Appendix B. Conversion factors ¿ Appendix C. International standard atmosphere ¿ Appendix D. One-dimensional steady fl ow equations ¿ Index The author, Ger J.J. Ruijgrok, is an Emeritus Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Brussels Free University (VUB), Belgium, and at the Delft University of Tech-nology, The Netherlands. He is also the author of the books Elements of Aviation Acoustics and Elements of Aircraft Pollution. He was graduated at Delft University of Technology with a degree in aeronautical engineering. URL on this book: http://www.vssd.nl/hlf/ae02.htm

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Iorcan Jagt

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